Wednesday 22 November, 2023 13:30 - 17:30 (GMT) ONLINE
Are you ready to drive innovation in a changing world?
Select your time zone
13:30 - 13:40 (GMT) 10 MIN
Antonio Montes
CEO, Headspring Executive Development -
13:40 - 14:00 (GMT) 20 MIN
Keynote: Navigating the storm
Stephen Bush
Associate Editor and Columnist, Financial Times*
Stephen will explore what are the key external pressures business face and what are their top concerns such as new macro-economic and political volatility, geopolitical risk, technology and AI, climate change, workplace challenges and DE&I challenges.
14:00 - 14:40 (GMT) 40 MIN
AI & future of work - what lies ahead?
Huma Lodhi
Principal Machine Learning Engineer, Sky
Natalia Konstantinova
Architecture Lead in AI, BPIlse Venter
Director, Workforce Intelligence, PwCModerated by Stephen Bush
Associate Editor and Columnist, Financial Times*
Leading AI experts from across industries will reflect on how their businesses are moving beyond panic-inducing headlines to utilise AI to increase efficiency and decision-making - while keeping humans at the centre.
14:40 - 15:20 (GMT) 40 MIN
Why DE&I efforts are falling short and how to fix them
Tracey Groves
Head of ESG & Sustainable Business Advisory Practice, Partner, DWFAduke Onafowokan
Director, Inclusivitii Limited
Rukasana Bhaijee
Global Head of Diversity and Inclusion, Financial TimesModerated by Silvia Pavoni
Founder and editor, Sustainable Views, Financial Times*
For all the countless workshops, articles and courses, DE&I has failed to transition into meaningful change within businesses - but why is this, and how can we course correct?
Led by the FT’s Silvia Pavoni, this panel explores how HR and L&D leaders can push DE&I beyond the buzzwords into long-lasting transformation.
15:20 - 15:55 (GMT) 35 MIN
Transform at scale: the agility advantage
Marcos Eguillor
Educator & Professor, Headspring & IE Business School*
In a constantly changing corporate landscape, companies face the challenge of training new talent, while simultaneously developing their current teams. Join IE and Headspring Professor Marcos Eguillor for a high-impact session where you will find the keys to unlocking sustainable and agile transformation in your business.
15:55 - 16:30 (GMT) 35 MIN
Transformational leadership: the power of reverse mentoring
Patrice Gordon
Inclusive Leader Expert
Fireside chat with Isabel Berwick
Host and Editor of the Working It podcast, Financial Times*
In this dynamic conversation, Patrice Gordon sits down with Isabel Berwick to guide you through the concept of ‘reverse mentorship. Based on Patrice’s own experience mentoring the CEO of Virgin Atlantic, she discuss how letting information flow up an organisation and leveraging empathy can create better leaders and more inclusive cultures.
16:30 - 17:15 (GMT) 45 MIN
How to cultivate a future-ready work culture
Daniel Fuster
Head of Human Resources, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)Perry Timms
Founder and Chief Energy Officer: People & Transformational HR LtdModerated by Isabel Berwick
Host and Editor of the Working It podcast, Financial Times*
In today’s ever changing work landscape, it is imperative that we transform our HR practices to meet each new challenge, and ensure our work culture is future-ready.
Our panel will take you through real-world examples of culture transformation, from talent retention to emerging technologies, so you leave equipped to future-proof your own HR culture.
17:15 - 17:25 (GMT) 10 MIN
Monika Steiner
Global Head of Customer Experience
Headspring Executive Development
14:30 - 14:40 (CET) 10 MIN
Antonio Montes
CEO, Headspring Executive Development -
14:40 - 15:00 (CET) 20 MIN
Keynote: Navigating the storm
Stephen Bush
Associate Editor and Columnist, Financial Times*
Stephen will explore what are the key external pressures business face and what are their top concerns such as new macro-economic and political volatility, geopolitical risk, technology and AI, climate change, workplace challenges and DE&I challenges.
15:00 - 15:40 (CET) 40 MIN
AI & future of work - what lies ahead?
Huma Lodhi
Principal Machine Learning Engineer, Sky
Natalia Konstantinova
Architecture Lead in AI, BP
Ilse Venter
Director, Workforce Intelligence, PWCModerated by Stephen Bush
Associate Editor and Columnist, Financial Times*
Leading AI experts from across industries will reflect on how their businesses are moving beyond panic-inducing headlines to utilise AI to increase efficiency and decision-making - while keeping humans at the centre.
15:40 - 16:20 (CET) 40 MIN
Why DE&I efforts are falling short and how to fix them
Tracey Groves
Head of ESG & Sustainable Business Advisory Practice, Partner, DWFAduke Onafowokan
Director, Inclusivitii Limited
Rukasana Bhaijee
Global Head of Diversity and Inclusion, Financial TimesModerated by Silvia Pavoni
Founder and editor, Sustainable Views, Financial Times*
For all the countless workshops, articles and courses, DE&I has failed to transition into meaningful change within businesses - but why is this, and how can we course correct?
Led by the FT’s Silvia Pavoni, this panel explores how HR and L&D leaders can push DE&I beyond the buzzwords into long-lasting transformation.
16:20 - 16:55 (CET) 35 MIN
Transform at Scale: The agility advantage
Marcos Eguillor
Educator & Professor, Headspring & IE Business School*
In a constantly changing corporate landscape, companies face the challenge of training new talent, while simultaneously developing their current teams. Join IE and Headspring Professor Marcos Eguillor for a high-impact session where you will find the keys to unlocking sustainable and agile transformation in your business.
16:55 - 17:30 (CET) 35 MIN
Transformational leadership: the power of reverse mentoring
Patrice Gordon
Inclusive Leader Expert
Fireside chat with Isabel Berwick
Host and Editor of the Working It podcast, Financial Times*
In this dynamic conversation, Patrice Gordon sits down with Isabel Berwick to guide you through the concept of ‘reverse mentorship. Based on Patrice’s own experience mentoring the CEO of Virgin Atlantic, she discuss how letting information flow up an organisation and leveraging empathy can create better leaders and more inclusive cultures.
17:30 - 18:15 (CET) 45 MIN
How to cultivate a future-ready work culture
Daniel Fuster
Head of Human Resources, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)Perry Timms
Founder and Chief Energy Officer: People & Transformational HR LtdModerated by Isabel Berwick
Host and Editor of the Working It podcast, Financial Times*
In today’s ever changing work landscape, it is imperative that we transform our HR practices to meet each new challenge, and ensure our work culture is future-ready.
Our panel will take you through real-world examples of culture transformation, from talent retention to emerging technologies, so you leave equipped to future-proof your own HR culture.
18:15 - 18:25 (CET) 10 MIN
Monika Steiner
Global Head of Customer Experience
Headspring Executive Development
17:30 - 17:40 (GST) 10 MIN
Antonio Montes
CEO, Headspring Executive Development -
17:40 - 18:00 (GST) 20 MIN
Keynote: Navigating the storm
Stephen Bush
Associate Editor and Columnist, Financial Times*
Stephen will explore what are the key external pressures business face and what are their top concerns such as new macro-economic and political volatility, geopolitical risk, technology and AI, climate change, workplace challenges and DE&I challenges.
18:00 - 18:40 (GST) 40 MIN
AI & future of work - what lies ahead?
Huma Lodhi
Principal Machine Learning Engineer, Sky
Natalia Konstantinova
Architecture Lead in AI, BP
Ilse Venter
Director, Workforce Intelligence, PWCModerated by Stephen Bush
Associate Editor and Columnist, Financial Times*
Leading AI experts from across industries will reflect on how their businesses are moving beyond panic-inducing headlines to utilise AI to increase efficiency and decision-making - while keeping humans at the centre.
18:40 - 19:20 (GMT) 40 MIN
Why DE&I efforts are falling short and how to fix them
Tracey Groves
Head of ESG & Sustainable Business Advisory Practice, Partner, DWFAduke Onafowokan
Director, Inclusivitii Limited
Rukasana Bhaijee
Global Head of Diversity and Inclusion, Financial TimesModerated by Silvia Pavoni
Founder and editor, Sustainable Views, Financial Times*
For all the countless workshops, articles and courses, DE&I has failed to transition into meaningful change within businesses - but why is this, and how can we course correct?
Led by the FT’s Silvia Pavoni, this panel explores how HR and L&D leaders can push DE&I beyond the buzzwords into long-lasting transformation.
19:20 - 19:55 (GST) 35 MIN
Transform at Scale: The agility advantage
Marcos Eguillor
Educator & Professor, Headspring & IE Business School*
In a constantly changing corporate landscape, companies face the challenge of training new talent, while simultaneously developing their current teams. Join IE and Headspring Professor Marcos Eguillor for a high-impact session where you will find the keys to unlocking sustainable and agile transformation in your business.
19:55 - 20:30 (GST) 35 MIN
Transformational leadership: the power of reverse mentoring
Patrice Gordon
Inclusive Leader Expert
Fireside chat with Isabel Berwick
Host and Editor of the Working It podcast, Financial Times*
In this dynamic conversation, Patrice Gordon sits down with Isabel Berwick to guide you through the concept of ‘reverse mentorship. Based on Patrice’s own experience mentoring the CEO of Virgin Atlantic, she discuss how letting information flow up an organisation and leveraging empathy can create better leaders and more inclusive cultures.
20:30 - 21:15 (GST) 45 MIN
How to cultivate a future-ready work culture
Daniel Fuster
Head of Human Resources, Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)Perry Timms
Founder and Chief Energy Officer: People & Transformational HR LtdModerated by Isabel Berwick
Host and Editor of the Working It podcast, Financial Times*
In today’s ever changing work landscape, it is imperative that we transform our HR practices to meet each new challenge, and ensure our work culture is future-ready.
Our panel will take you through real-world examples of culture transformation, from talent retention to emerging technologies, so you leave equipped to future-proof your own HR culture.
21:15 - 21:25 (GST) 10 MIN
Monika Steiner
Global Head of Customer Experience
Headspring Executive Development
Meet our Speakers

Daniel Fuster
Head of Human Resources, OECD